Release notes
SmartFoxServer 2X
VERSION 2.19.3 (patch)
::::: Server Side :::::
[FIX] Issue with the configuration of the ExtensionFloodFilter.
VERSION 2.19.2 (patch)
::::: Server Side :::::
[FIX] Updated Tomcat from version 9.0.55 to version 9.0.70.
NOTE: version 9.0.70 was originally intended to ship with 2.19.0 but didn't due to an issue with our version control system. This upgrade is not critical, yet recommended if you use web services significantly in your production server (e.g WebSocket, servlets, etc).
VERSION 2.19.1 (patch)
::::: Server Side :::::
[FIX] Issue with targeting a single Room data file via the Room Persistence API, specifically with the loadRoom(file) and removeRoom(file) methods.
VERSION 2.19.0 (full installer)
::::: Server Side :::::
[NEW] Tomcat i updated to version 9.0.70.
[NEW] GeoLite database updated.
[NEW] Extension Flood Filter added, which allows to configure Extension calls rate limits on a per-request basis.
[FIX] GameAPI sending an invitation from the server side raise an exception (using null as the inviter object).
::::: Admin Tool :::::
[NEW] In login view, port and encryption checkbox are set automatically based on the URL protocol.
[FIX] Menu button on mobile devices partially not working due to notifications container covering it.
[FIX] In Dashboard module, server uptime slowly diverges if browser window is minimized or loses focus.
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