Release notes

SmartFoxServer 2X
C++ examples pack

Version 1.4.0 [19/04/2017]
+ SpaceWar game added, ported from Unity to Cocos2D-x by third party developer Dang Hoang Tuan Anh.

Version 1.3.0 [06/09/2016]
+ Connector example for Xcode 7 added, targeted at iOS build. The example comes with the SFS2X C++ API pre-compiled for iOS.

Version 1.2.0 [28/05/2014]
+ SimpleChat example for Visual Studio 2013 added.

Version 1.1.0 [10/07/2013]
+ Added FullHouse game for iPad and Android, developed by third party developer Quan Gan.

Version 1.0.3 [05/07/2013]
+ SimpleChat example now supporting UTF8.

Version 1.0.2 [11/06/2013]
+ All examples recompiled with API version 0.9.6 and refactored to implement changes introduced in the API.

Version 1.0.1 [05/04/2013]
+ All examples recompiled with API version 0.9.2.
+ Boost ASIO I/O thread creation removed from all examples (it's now embedded in the API).

Version 1.0.0 [13/03/2013]
+ First release. Contains the following applications:
- LoginExample (Eclipse)
- SimpleChat (Visual Studio 2010)
- SimpleChat (Visual Studio 2012)