Buy SmartFoxServer Pro/Basic
All SmartFoxServer Pro and Basic licenses have the following characteristics:
- perpetual, never expire
- one time fee, no hidden costs
- unlimited apps
- no monthly active users limitation
- always upgrade to a higher license by paying the price difference
- free software updates
- one month direct email support
- perpetual support via online support forums
Each license is valid for a single IP address: if you need to run multiple instances of the server on more than one IP, you have to buy multiple licenses. You can however run multiple instances using the same IP and by configuring each instance to run on a different TCP port.
You can find the full licenses, upgrades and their prices in our online shop. Order now!
Online shopLicensing system
The SmartFoxServer Pro and Basic licenses are IP-based. When buying a commercial license you are requested to enter the private IP address of the machine on which SFS will be installed.
If you need to move your server to a new machine or you just need to change the IP address you can contact us and we'll send you a new, updated license. The "IP change" requests are usually processed in 24-48 hours.
In case you need to install SmartFoxServer in an environment which doesn't guarantee that private IP addresses are fixed (for example cloud based hosting services such as Amazon EC2), you can adopt our License Server solution. It is a light-weight, free application that can run on any commodity hardware consuming little to no resources. You just need to install it on a server machine and point all the SmartFoxServer instances to it. Each instance will then talk to the LS at boot time and obtain its license.
Please contact us before placing your order for SmartFoxServer licenses if you want to use the License Server: we will provide additional information and detailed documentation.